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The Pants Game - the final round

The Pants Game - the final round

Back in around 1999, long before "social media" became a thing, I was involved in an online chat community. One of our regulars came up with something called "the pants game". Which is not as dodgy as it sounds.

VinceFor the benefit of any American readers, here in Britain 'pants' refers to underwear - what Americans call 'pants', we call 'trousers'. Unless you're Vince, who just calls everything 'trousers'. Also for non-British readers, referring to something as 'pants' means it's 'a bit rubbish'. But anyway, I digress...

The aim of the Pants Game was to take a well known phrase from a film and change one word to 'pants'. Post your worst. Whoever gets the person reading it to laugh loud enough to accidentally spray their keyboard with coffee wins the round.

So of course all the classic movie quotes started coming out.

Die Hard. "Yippie-ky-pants, motherf****r!"

Terminator. "I'll be pants."

Terminator 2. "Pants la vista, baby."

Home Alone. "Keep the pants, you filthy animal!"

A Few Good Men. "You can't handle the pants!"

Jerry McGuire. "Show me the pants!"

All good, all entertaining, and all risking spraying coffee over the keyboard.

However, anyone who knows me in person knows I'm a massive Star Wars fan. (Or at least I was until Disney ruined it, but that's another story.) So ignoring the obvious "I am your pants" quote, I quickly realised there was only one possibility.

Picture the scene. Episode IV, in the Imperial briefing room on the Death Star. One of the Imperial officers starts to insult Darth Vader. Big mistake. Vader force-chokes the guy, and while he's gasping for breath, Darth Vader utters the immortal line...

"I find your lack of pants disturbing."

I think it's safe to say I won the Internets for that week.

Which brings me nicely on to this. Whilst scrolling through my news feed a couple of days ago, this came up:

I haven't laughed so much in ages. Sadly I don't think I'll ever be able to watch that scene again now without seeing that in my head.

Childhood ruined!


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