I like jam!
Ahoy there, my little scrotums

Ahoy there, my little scrotums

Greetings all.

Well, it's about time I started a blog. Everyone else has one, it seems to be the done thing.

How often will I post here? No idea. When I get around to it I guess. (I'll start selling round tuits in the online shop sometime, then all those outstanding jobs will get done.)

This site is running on blogging software that I've written myself. It's a module for a web platform that I've also written myself. Why am I not just using Wordpress? Let me think - where do I start?

Firstly, Wordpress is slow.

Secondly, Wordpress is bug-ridden.

Thirdly, Wordpress is insecure.

So I've written my own web platform, with content management and a plug-in architecture. Which is much better than Wordpress. Why? Well, for one thing, Wordpress loads every module that has been installed every time you fetch a page. My platform only loads modules when needed. This platform also has quite aggressive cacheing which speeds things up dramatically.

Anyway, time will tell. There are many more modules to write, but for now I shall post this entry and see how it goes.

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