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Bloody call centres

Bloody call centres

Today I needed to contact the DWP to re-arrange an interview. I'm still technically signed off work due to illness but am allowed to work part-time. The appointment had been sent through on a date when I'm away. So I called the number on the letter to re-book the appointment.

Of course, the number given is that of a call centre, not the local Jobcentre. ESA, which used to be called Incapacity Benefit, is handled by the Jobcentre, despite me being signed off work by a doctor. After 15 minutes on hold, I got through to someone. This someone was a very unhelpful and abrasive chap called Nick. When I stated that I wanted to change the appointment, he started trying to interrogate me. "Where are you going to be? Are you going to tell us?" No, I'm not going to tell you where I am, I'm away on a personal matter. (In other words, none of your damned business!) He then started spouting about how I "needed to be available to attend interviews". I reminded him that I was not on JSA, I was not required to be "actively seeking work" nor "available for work". I am currently claiming ESA, I am signed off work by my doctor for the time being.

He then stated that he would "get the local job centre to ring me back within 3 hours". He repeatedly refused to transfer me across, claiming that he was unable to do so. This is utter bulls**t as on more than one previous occasion I've been transferred across. When I explained this to him he responded like I'd just told him I'd slept with his sister.

So next I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was placed on hold a couple of times, and apparently "there's no supervisors around, I'll arrange a callback". Ummm... right. When? Next year?

By some miracle I managed to keep my cool. I made a note of the guy's name and operator number, and I shall be sending a very strongly worded letter to his employers.

In fairness, not only did the supervisor call me back within 10 minutes, the ESA advisor at the Jobcentre also called back within the hour. I suspect this had more to do with me being somewhat (how can I put this?) "assertive" with "Nick" over the phone.

Of course, if only the DWP would provide a direct number to your local Jobcentre (like they used to, many years ago) then none of this would be needed.

As we all know, DWP aren't the only offenders here. They just happen to be one of the worst.

Here endeth today's rant.


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